The Behavior and Flight Altitude of Eastern Marsh Harriers in the Breeding Season, and How It May Be Affected by the Construction of Wind Farms
Tatsuya Ura,1 Makoto Hasebe,2 Chiaki Hirai,3 Wataru Kitamura,3 Shinji Yoshizaki3
The eastern marsh harrier is a raptor that lives in wetlands, mostly in reed beds. In Japan a small number breed in limited locations in Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu, while many are winter visitors that fly to Honshu or further south. Around 100 pairs of eastern marsh harriers are believed to breed in Japan, and the bird is listed as a nationally endangered species under the Ministry of the Environment’s Red List and Act for the Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. However, the population has been declining in recent years due to the drying of wetlands, plant succession, and the degradation of habitats, as a result of agricultural land development. Recently, a study by the Wild Bird Society of Japan revealed that Sarobetsu moor and its surroundings in northern Hokkaido is one of the largest breeding places of eastern marsh harriers in Japan. However, several wind farm projects are planned in this area, which are among the largest in size in Japan, and close to 400 wind turbines will be constructed within the next five years. The potential impact of these constructions on the survival of eastern marsh harriers has become a matter of concern. Hence under this study, a visual observation of eastern marsh harriers’ behaviors was conducted from June to August 2018 to collect data on their flight paths and behaviors, and the altitude they fly at. The relationship between the behaviors that may be affected by wind turbines and flying altitude was examined, in order to predict whether eastern marsh harriers would suffer bird collisions and other problems caused by the construction of wind farms.
Results of the analysis of eastern marsh harriers’ flight altitude during the breeding season, categorized by behavior, period, time, and place, indicate that they tend to fly at a height of 50 meters or higher, which overlaps the rotor swept zone of the wind turbines (30 to 150 meters), when they are chasing other species of birds such as white-tailed eagles or black kites, or when male and female birds are flying in pairs. Many individuals were also found to be flying upwards in a circle in areas close to their nesting sites around four hours after sunrise, with many of them flying at a height of 100 to 200 meters. Feeding behavior, which occurs regardless of season and time, also involved flying at an altitude of 30 to 150 meters. These findings indicate areas, including the main home range, or an area of 1.25 kilometers radius from the nest, may be impacted, regardless of the period, time, place, or environment, while bird collisions and other impacts are most likely to occur when the birds interfere with other individuals, or when they fly upwards in a circle. Therefore, wind farms should not be built within the high degree utilization area by birds, if we are to avoid negative impacts to conserving eastern marsh harriers in Sarobetsu moor.
Case Examples of Barrier Effects of Wind Farms on Birds in Japan
Tatsuya Ura
Nature Conservation Office, Wild Bird Society of Japan
Paths that birds follow during migration and for daily movements change because of the existence of wind farms (Rydell et al. 2012), which require the birds to use more energy to fly, leading to lower breeding success and survival rate. These barrier effects have become a matter of concern (Masden et al. 2010), beginning with the cases of offshore wind farms in countries such as Denmark (Desholm & Kahlert 2005, Pettersen 2005). In Japan, barrier effects are a rarely discussed issue in environmental impact assessments because only a few offshore wind farms exist in the country and most of the attention regarding these farms goes to bird mortality caused by collision with wind turbines.
In Europe, changes in the paths that birds follow during migration and for daily movement are considered an impact caused by the construction of wind farms (Gove & Langston 2013). Based on the results of studies on barrier effects, construction of wind farms is avoided along migration routes and paths for daily movement of birds susceptible to wind farm impact (Planungsgemeinschaft Rheinhessen-Nahe, Teilplan Windenergienutzung 2012). Whereas such an approach is considered necessary in Japan as well, currently, even the types of birds on which barrier effects occur are unknown.
Thus, we conducted radar surveys to find out which bird species are subject to barrier effects. Surveys at sites located near wind farms were conducted during the autumn migration period of 2014 at Sada-misaki Peninsula, Ehime Prefecture, and Cape Soya, Hokkaido; during the wintering period of 2016 at Lake Kitagata in Awara-City, Fukui Prefecture; and during the autumn migration period of 2016 at Nikaho Highlands, Akita Prefecture.
The results of the radar survey conducted from September 22 to 28, 2014 at Sada-misaki Peninsula confirmed that Oriental honey buzzards, Grey-faced buzzard, and Eastern buzzards avoided wind turbines as they flew.
The results obtained during the period from November 17 to 22, 2014 at Cape Soya confirmed that Steller’s sea eagles passed over the turbines without avoiding them and hence no barrier effects occurred when they were flying above the turbines. However, effects did occur when they flew at or below the height of the turbines, in which case they started avoiding the turbines from a distance of about 300 m. Barrier effects occurred on white-tailed eagles regardless of the height of the flight.
The radar survey conducted at Lake Kitagata from February 19 to 25, 2016 showed that white-fronted geese that flew toward the turbines avoided them, indicating the occurrence of barrier effects.
The radar survey conducted at Nikaho Highlands from October 25 to 28, 2016 showed that swans avoided wind turbines on the ridge as they flew, indicating the occurrence of barrier effects.
The survey results confirmed that barrier effects due to construction of wind farms occur in Japan, too, for wild geese, swans, and raptors, as has been reported by Hötker et al. (2006). To reduce the occurrence of barrier effects in Japan in the future, policies are needed to avoid construction of wind turbines along the paths that these bird species follow during migration and for daily movements.
Species and Wind Farm Sensitivity Index for Seabirds and Landbirds in Hokkaido
Tatsuya Ura
Nature Conservation Office, Wild Bird Society of Japan
When selecting sites for wind farms, operators in the Germany and UK etc. sometimes use spatial plans and sensitivity maps that consider birds’ sensitivity to onshore and offshore wind farms (Garth & Hüppop 2004, Bradbury etc. 2014, The Crown Estate 2015).
Because Japan is home to many types of bird species and has a large population of birds, and the construction of many large-scale wind farms are being planned both onshore and offshore, it should learn from the actions taken by other countries for future farms, whereby the sites are selected in consideration of birds’ sensitivity to wind farms. Japan should ensure that siting of wind farms is in harmony with conserving birds’ habitats and aim at introducing truly environmentally sound energy.
Thus, we developed a species and wind farm sensitivity index for land birds and seabirds, which serves as the basis for spatial planning and sensitivity mapping. The index was developed based on the results of two bird censuses: one conducted at sea off Nemuro and Haboro in Hokkaido and the other conducted on land in most northern part of Hokkaido. Based on the index, we identified the bird species potentially vulnerable to the construction of wind farms in Hokkaido.
In developing the sensitivity index, we used BirdWatch Ireland (2015) as a reference for land birds, taking into consideration the presence or absence of mortality due to collision both in Japan and in other countries, and Garthe & Hüppop (2004) as a reference for seabirds.
The results showed high Species Sensitivity Scores (SSSs) for land birds including white-tailed eagles, Steller’s sea eagles, Mountain hawk-eagles, Japanese cranes, Northern goshawks, Bean geese, White-fronted geese, Peregrine falcons, Eastern marsh harriers, and Latham’s snipes. Land bird species that are endangered and also have high flight risk factors showed high SSSs. The seabirds that showed high Species Sensitivity Index (SSI) scores included Ancient murrelets, pelagic cormorants, Pomarine skuas, Common murres, Harlequin ducks, and Common scoters. In particular, endangered species or those with high habitat risk factors showed high SSI scores. The Wind Farm Sensitivity Index (WSI) prepared by applying the SSI developed here to the results of the seabird census surveys in Nemuro and Haboro indicated that sensitivity rose as proximity to shore increased and was high in many sea areas around feeding sites and nesting colonies.
In this study, it was found that wind farms should not be constructed in the following areas in Japan in the future, from the perspective of bird conservation: onshore farms near habitats of endangered species that are vulnerable to wind farms based on their flying behavior and offshore farms in coastal zones within several kilometers of the coast.
浦 達也1 ○謝 倩氷2
風力発電が鳥類に与える影響は主に、衝突、生息地放棄、移動の障壁の3 つがある。衝突はいわゆるバードストライクのことで、風車のブレードや関連施設に鳥類が衝突して死亡または負傷することであり、国内では2015年3月時点で341羽(うち、カモ科鳥類は18羽)が確認されている。生息地放棄とは、風車および関連施設の建設による生息地の改変により風車周辺で鳥類の個体数や密度、種数が減少したり、いなくなったりする影響である。移動の障壁は、風力発電施設が鳥類の春秋の渡り経路および塒や営巣場所と餌場の間にある移動経路の上に存在し、鳥類の飛行の障壁となる現象である。
衝突も含め、生息地放棄や移動の障壁に関する研究は国内ではほとんど進んでいないため、海外の知見に頼らなければならない。衝突について、Hötker et al .(2006)によれば欧州内での衝突事例829羽のうちカモ科が42 羽(ヒシクイ1 羽、ハイイロガン1 羽、マガン1 羽、カオジロガン6 羽、コブハクチョウ8 羽、オオハクチョウ1羽、ツクシガモ2 羽、マガモ18 羽、コガモ2羽、キンクロハジロ1 羽、種不明カモ科1 羽)だった。また、Rees(2012)が欧州でまとめた衝突数は、46 カ所の風力発電施設でマガン属およびコクガン属37 羽、ハクチョウ属34羽であった。生息地放棄について、Rydell et al .(2012)によると、繁殖期の鳥類のほとんどの種群で風車による生息地放棄の状況を調べた結果、全調査対象のうち58%の鳥類の種および種群で負の影響があり、そのほとんどはガンカモ類およびシギ・チドリ類だった。また、Hötker et al .(2006)によると、非繁殖期の生息地放棄に関する研究件数293 件のうち、167 件でガンカモ類とシギ・チドリ類を中心に風車周辺での生息密度の低下がみられ、その距離について風車の支柱から測った半径は、繁殖期のカモ類で平均103m(47–159m)、非繁殖期ではハクチョウ類で平均150m(19–289m)、ガン類で平均373m(146–559m)、カモ類で平均230m(89–371m)と、多くの種群の中でもとりわけ非繁殖期のガンカモ類で生息地放棄の距離が大きかった。移動の障壁について、Hötker et al .(2006)によると、種群でみると統計的に有意に移動の障壁が生じているのはガン類と猛禽類、有意には生じていないのはカモ類、シギ・チドリ類、カモメ科、ハト科であった。これらのことから、ガン類は衝突、生息地放棄、移動の障壁の3つすべての影響、カモ類は衝突、生息地放棄の影響を受けることが分かる。
浦 達也
(公財)日本野鳥の会 自然保護室
マップおよび指標の作成にあたっては、Garthe & Hüppop(2004)を参考にした。まず、種脆弱性指標(SSI;Species Sensitivity Index)を作成するが、それは(a)飛行操作性、(b)飛行高度、(c)飛行時間割合、(d)夜間活動性、(e)船や航空機による阻害の受けやすさ、(f)生息地利用の柔軟性、(g)個体群サイズ、(h)成鳥生残率の9つの要素からなるもので、それぞれの要素は5段階で評価される。なお、(a、b、c)は実測データ、それ以外は文献調査および専門家の知見により、評価された。現地調査で得た海鳥の分布情報にこのSSIを重ねることで、観測地点ごとの風力発電脆弱性指標(WSI;Windfarm Sensitivity Index)が得られ、そのWSIを地図上に示すことでマップを作成できる。
Development of a map of seabird vulnerability to potential offshore wind farms in Nemuro and Haboro in Hokkaido, Japan
Tatsuya Ura
Nature Conservation Office, Wild Bird Society of Japan
Wind power is attracting attention as a renewable energy source and is developing worldwide. In Japan, private businesses are planning to build large-scale offshore wind farms in Hokkaido, Aomori, Ibaraki, Niigata, and Yamaguchi. Japanese conservation groups argue that the vulnerability of seabirds to offshore wind farms should be taken into account when choosing the farm location. Thus, the Wild Bird Society of Japan developed and released a vulnerability map of seabirds to offshore wind farms in Nemuro and Haboro in Hokkaido.
A species sensitivity index (SSI) consisting of the following nine variables, each assigned five levels, was developed: (a) flight maneuverability, (b) flight altitude, (c) percentage of time flying, (d) nocturnal flight activity, (e) disturbance by ship and helicopter traffic, (f) flexibility in habitat use, (g) biogeographical population size, and (h) adult survival rate. Variables (a), (b), and (c) comprise measurement data, while the remaining are secondary data. SSIs are then incorporated into seabird distribution data obtained from field studies to determine a wind farm sensitivity index (WSI) for each observation point, which can then be used to develop a vulnerability map.
We found that SSIs are high in ducks, loons, shearwaters, cormorants, seagulls, and white-tailed sea eagles. The WSIs calculated based on these SSIs show that the proximity of wind farms to the coast increases the vulnerability of the seabirds.
Because of the significant seasonal variation in the species inhabiting Japan, monthly field studies should be conducted to obtain accurate WSIs and develop a reliable vulnerability map.
浦 達也・荒 哲平(日本野鳥の会)・植田睦之(バードリサーチ)
Case examples of avian mortality due to collisions with wind turbines in Japan
Tatsuya Ura1, Wataru Kitamura2, Teppei Ara3
During the period from April 2001 to March 2014, 158 bird carcasses were found at wind turbines in Japan. Thirty seven of the carcasses were those of the White-tailed Sea Eagle in Hokkaido, making wind turbines a leading cause of death for this species in Japan. Two-thirds of these birds were juveniles or sub-adults. Of these eagle deaths, 57% occurred in early winter, 24% during spring migration, and 12% in the breeding season. Half were found atop coastal terrace cliffs, and others were discovered on coastal hills or seashores. This distribution suggests that many wind turbines in Hokkaido were installed within the core habitat of this eagle, which is along the coast. The Japanese Ministry of the Environment has suggested that many young eagles collide in early winter because eagles fly low (at rotor height) when traveling to and from feeding grounds, and younger eagles might become distracted and careless when they encounter fish carcasses in a fishing port or in an estuary.
Also found at wind turbines built in coastal areas were 12 carcasses of Gulls, including the Slaty-backed Gull; 44 carcasses of Black Kite; and 15 carcasses of Crows. Endangered species listed on the Japanese Red List were also found, including one Ancient Murrelet, one Golden Eagle, and one Steller’s Sea Eagle.
Kitano & Shiraki (2013) found 52 of the total 158 bird carcasses. They conducted a survey of 17 months duration from July 2007; this has been the most scientific study in Japan to date. The members of the WBSJ recorded 36 fatalities during four casual studies. The remaining 70 carcasses of the total 158 discovered carcasses were found incidentally by passer-bys. Estimations of carcass persistence rate and searcher detection error have not been conducted in situ in order to estimate fatality rates in Japan, nor have accurate collision death numbers been calculated. Consequently, it is difficult to compare case studies conducted in Japan with those conducted overseas. Accurate calculation of the collision death numbers in Japan will be required in the future.
Because there is no legal obligation for wind turbine operators to conduct post-construction surveys in Japan, there is little scientific evidence indicating the impact of wind turbines. It should be made mandatory for operators to publish the results of post-surveys conducted using appropriate methods, so as to identify under what circumstances wind turbines cause bird collision deaths. These data should accordingly be used in site selection for future wind turbines.
浦 達也(日本野鳥の会)・福田佳弘(知床海鳥研究会)
日本では2012 年10 月1 日から、一定規模以上の風力発電事業は環境影響評価法の対象となるが、洋上風力発電の扱いについては新エネルギー・産業総合開発機構や環境省による国内での実証実験の結果や諸外国の事例を参考にしながら適切な手法を検討することになっており、今のところ国内で各関係機関からは、奨励できる調査や評価の手法は提案されていない。
調査対象海域の海鳥の個体数等を求めるために船舶を用いて行われる調査は主に、出現するすべての海鳥をカウントするライントランセクト法、1 分または5 分毎に飛翔する海鳥をカウントするスナップセンサス法の二つが用いられるが、今までに国内では、調査目的や海鳥の状況に応じて、同一の調査の中で二つの手法を使い分け、または二つの手法の間での調査結果の違いが比較されたことがないため、海域の海鳥の把握状況が実際にどの程度違うかは不明である。
本調査は、2011 年10 月12~14 日の3 日間、および同年12 月6~11 日のうちの4 日間で行った。調査地は北海道根室市の納沙布岬~初田牛周辺の海域とし、実際に着床式洋上風力発電が建設可能である水深5~50mの範囲を調査区域とした。船舶は、落石漁協および歯舞漁協に所属する5~10t 級の漁船に、ライントランセクト法用の調査員3 名とスナップショット法用の3 名が同時に乗り込み、観察者から半径300mの1/4 球状の視野内に現れる海鳥をカウントした。ただし、スナップショット法は、飛翔する海鳥を1 分毎にカウントし、集計は5 分毎でも行った。
その結果、ライントランセクト法では10 月の3 日間で27 種4,989 羽、12 月の4 日間で28 種2,615羽をカウントした。スナップショット法では、10 月は1 分毎の集計で18 種1,097 羽、5 分毎の集計で12 種179 羽、12 月は1 分毎の集計で17 種868 羽、5 分毎の集計で12 種159 羽をカウントした。スナップショット法では、ライントランセクト法で出現頻度上位10 種程度に入るものは同様に把握できるが、出現頻度の低い種は把握できない場合があった。また、調査対象海域の中でも特定の場所で出現するような種も把握できなかった。スナップショット法では詳細な個体数が分からないため、当然、海域の海鳥の個体数密度は定量的には推定できない。なお、スナップショット法で1 分毎と5 分毎での集計結果を比較すると、1 分毎の上位5 種程度は、3~5 分毎でも同様に把握できた。
以上のことから、スナップショット法は海域の海鳥の概要を調べる方法として利用できるが、海域に生息する海鳥をできるだけ把握し、または個体数密度を推定するのには利用できない。また、5分毎のカウントは、海域を優先する上位3~5 種程度を把握したい場合にのみ用いるべきである。ただし、スナップショット法では、カウントの間に群で飛翔する海鳥を発見した場合、別途に種名と個体数をカウントしておかないと、優先する海鳥を把握するうえで誤りが生じる可能性がある。